Thursday, September 23, 2010

Urban Weeds and Moonwoods Frames

Another blog I love is Urban Weeds: Portland Street Style.

If you have ever been to Portland, Oregon and wandered around you will some pretty unique things. When I first went there I seriously drooled over some of the girls I saw walking around because they were sporting the CUTEST things. Those short-lived girl crushes break my heart every time when it is time to return home. But, maybe it is best this way, that why, I can imagine Portland as a magical place (fashion, music, & amazing food!) and I don't focus on the other things, like crime, traffic, and crackheads. Enough with that digression... I love Urban weeds because like The Sartorialist blog, it shows real folks on the street, and of course what they are wearing. Urban Weeds shows folks in Portland, gives a mini background (like what they do for work or hobbies), and where their clothes and accessories come from.

While browsing Urban Weeds one day I ran into a post featuring Danielle. Very adorable girl. Her glasses are too cute and are made out of wood.

Check out the frames at Moonwoods!

Our local skate and board shop carries these but are sold out every time we are in. I really, REALLY want to try out a pair, like yesterday. I have been so obsessed with things made out of wood and metal/steel lately.  I want a crazy metal house, but that is a topic for another day. :)


1 comment:

  1. Agnes!

    What a lovely post, thank you so much for the feature!! Danielle is actually the owner and designer of those awesome glasses. Isn't that cool? And she's crazy adorable and as sweet as she looks. You should get a pair! Then tell her I said hello.

